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Version 1.7   Updated Sunday, February 22nd, 2009 at 1:13pm

Posts by Author Plugin for WordPress

This plugin will show the last X posts by the current author either at the bottom of every post, or where you manually specify in each post. Using the built-in options page, you can choose the number of posts to show, set the header text, choose to show the post dates, select the format of the date, and choose whether or not to include the current post in the list. Other options have been added since the first release.


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  • Download the above file, rename it from .txt to .php, and upload it to your plugins directory.
  • Enable the plugin.
  • Configure the plugin options (under DDPostsByAuthor).
  • Test it out by viewing a post.

Change Log

  • 02-22-09 Version 1.7 – Added option to exclude selected categories from showing the post list (previous option was just to exclude posts in cats from being shown in the list – not where the list itself would show).
  • 09-26-07 Version 1.6 – Updated for WordPress 2.3. ‘Load Default Options’ button added. Fixed bug where pages would sometimes be listed.
  • 05-16-07 Version 1.5 – Updated for WordPress 2.2.
  • 05-22-06 Version 1.4 – The author’s ‘display name’ is now shown instead of their login name. Also, future-dated posts no longer show up in the lists.
  • 05-21-06 Version 1.3 – A bug was fixed where posts would show up multiple times if they were in multiple categories.
  • 04-19-06 Version 1.2 – Option added to sort posts by date – newest or oldest first. I have also added support for category exclusion. So posts from specified categories will not show up in the recent post lists. A bug was also fixed where the list would also include pages and attachments. It now just shows published posts.
  • 04-05-06 Version 1.1 – Comments bug fixed – they will now work properly when this plugin is enabled. Added option to enable/disable post list on every page. You can also now call the plugin manually in a post. A few other fixes as well, including a new option to include the current post in the list.
  • 03-30-06 Version 1.0 – First release.


Here are the options available in this plugin’s options page in the WordPress admin panel.

Show at the bottom of every post

If enabled, this plugin will generate its data at the bottom of every post, before the comments section.

NOTICE: No matter what you have this set to, you can also manually call this plugin by entering the following line where you want the data to be shown in your post:

<!-- ddpostsbyauthor -->

Number of posts to show by author

This is the number of posts by the current author that will be shown at the bottom of each post.

Text to show before list

This is the header for the post list. If you want to use the author’s name in this text, use %A.

Category IDs to exclude from post lists

This is a comma-separated list of categories IDs you want to exclude from the recent post lists (this option does not prevent the list from being shown on posts in those categories, but rather just the useage of categories in the list – see the option below for that).

Category IDs to not display list on

This is a comma-separated list of categories IDs for categories that you do not want the post list to display on (when using the option to show it on every post).

Show date after listed posts

This will show the post date after each post in the list.

Date format

If you are showing the date after posts, this will allow you to configure the date format (using the standard PHP date() format)

Include current post in list

This sets whether or not the post being viewed should show up in the list of recent posts by the current author.

Show newest posts first

If checked, this will show the newest posts first in the list. If not checked, it will show the oldest posts first.