Latest Post From Each Category'); add_option('ddle_sort', 'cata'); add_option('ddle_cat_links', TRUE); add_option('ddle_hide_protected', TRUE); add_option('ddle_show_date', TRUE); add_option('ddle_date_format', 'F jS, Y'); add_option('ddle_excerpts', FALSE); add_option('ddle_chars', 200); add_option('ddle_comment_link', FALSE); add_option('ddle_comment_num', FALSE); add_option('ddle_comments_none', FALSE); add_option('ddle_limit', 0); add_option('ddle_exclude', ''); add_option('ddle_include', ''); add_option('ddle_max_per_cat', 1); function ddle_add_option_pages() { if (function_exists('add_options_page')) { add_options_page('Latest From Each Category', 'DDLatestFromEach', 8, __FILE__, 'ddle_options_page'); } } function ddle_options_page() { global $ddle_version; if (isset($_POST['set_defaults'])) { echo '

'; update_option('ddle_header', '

Latest Post From Each Category

'); update_option('ddle_sort', 'cata'); update_option('ddle_cat_links', TRUE); update_option('ddle_hide_protected', TRUE); update_option('ddle_show_date', TRUE); update_option('ddle_date_format', 'F jS, Y'); update_option('ddle_excerpts', FALSE); update_option('ddle_chars', 200); update_option('ddle_comment_link', FALSE); update_option('ddle_comment_num', FALSE); update_option('ddle_comments_none', FALSE); update_option('ddle_limit', 0); update_option('ddle_exclude', ''); update_option('ddle_include', ''); update_option('ddle_max_per_cat', 1); echo 'Default Options Loaded!'; echo '

'; } else if (isset($_POST['info_update'])) { update_option('ddle_header', (string) $_POST["ddle_header"]); update_option('ddle_sort', (string) $_POST["ddle_sort"]); update_option('ddle_cat_links', (string) $_POST["ddle_cat_links"]); update_option('ddle_hide_protected', (bool)$_POST["ddle_hide_protected"]); update_option('ddle_show_date', (bool) $_POST["ddle_show_date"]); update_option('ddle_date_format', (string) $_POST["ddle_date_format"]); update_option('ddle_excerpts', (bool) $_POST["ddle_excerpts"]); update_option('ddle_chars', (string) $_POST["ddle_chars"]); update_option('ddle_comment_link', (bool) $_POST["ddle_comment_link"]); update_option('ddle_comment_num', (bool) $_POST["ddle_comment_num"]); update_option('ddle_comments_none', (bool) $_POST["ddle_comments_none"]); update_option('ddle_limit', (string) $_POST["ddle_limit"]); update_option('ddle_exclude', (string) $_POST["ddle_exclude"]); update_option('ddle_include', (string) $_POST["ddle_include"]); update_option('ddle_max_per_cat', (string) $_POST["ddle_max_per_cat"]); echo 'Configuration Updated!'; echo '

'; } ?>

Latest Posts From Each Category v

For information and updates, please visit:



Header text
Sort order />   By category (ascending)
/>   By category (descending)
/>   By date (ascending)
/>   By date (descending)
Show link to comments />
Include number of comments />
Include link for posts with no comments />
Turn category names into links />
Hide password-protected posts />
Show date after listed posts />
Date format
( Use the standard PHP date() format )
Show first X characters of posts />
Number of characters to show
Limit list to X categories (0 = unlimited)
Excluded category IDs
(comma-separated list of cat IDs to exclude from lists)
* OR *
Included category IDs
(comma-separated list of cat IDs to use)
Maximum posts per category (0 = unlimited)
prefix; $ddle_header = get_option('ddle_header'); $ddle_sort = get_option('ddle_sort'); $ddle_cat_links = get_option('ddle_cat_links'); $ddle_hide_protected = get_option('ddle_hide_protected'); $ddle_show_date = get_option('ddle_show_date'); $ddle_date_format = get_option('ddle_date_format'); $ddle_excerpts = get_option('ddle_excerpts'); $ddle_chars = (int)get_option('ddle_chars'); $ddle_comment_link = (bool)get_option('ddle_comment_link'); $ddle_comment_num = (bool)get_option('ddle_comment_num'); $ddle_comments_none = (bool)get_option('ddle_comments_none'); $ddle_limit = (int)get_option('ddle_limit'); $ddle_exclude = get_option('ddle_exclude'); $ddle_include = get_option('ddle_include'); $ddle_max_per_cat = get_option('ddle_max_per_cat'); $hide_check = ''; if ($ddle_hide_protected) { $hide_check = " AND post_password = '' "; } $sort_code = 'ORDER BY cat_name ASC, post_date DESC'; switch ($ddle_sort) { case 'cata': $sort_code = 'GROUP BY cat_name, post_date DESC'; break; case 'catd': $sort_code = 'ORDER BY cat_name DESC, post_date DESC'; break; case 'datea': $sort_code = 'ORDER BY post_date ASC'; break; case 'dated': $sort_code = 'ORDER BY post_date DESC'; break; } $the_output = NULL; $mysqlnow = current_time('mysql'); if ($ver < 2.3) { $cat_list_code = ''; if (trim($ddle_exclude) != '') { $ddle_exclude = (array)explode(',', $ddle_exclude); foreach ($ddle_exclude as $de) { $cat_list_code .= " AND cat_ID != '" . trim(mysql_escape_string($de)) . "' "; } } else if (trim($ddle_include) != '') { $ddle_include = (array)explode(',', $ddle_include); $cat_list_code .= " AND ( "; $cat_tmp = array(); foreach ($ddle_include as $de) { $cat_tmp[] .= " cat_ID = '" . trim(mysql_escape_string($de)) . "' "; } $cat_list_code .= implode(" OR ", $cat_tmp); $cat_list_code .= " ) "; } $last_posts = (array)$wpdb->get_results(" SELECT post_date, ID, post_title, cat_name, cat_ID FROM {$tp}posts, {$tp}post2cat, {$tp}categories WHERE {$tp}posts.ID = {$tp}post2cat.post_id AND {$tp}categories.cat_ID = {$tp}post2cat.category_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type != 'page' AND post_date < '$mysqlnow' {$cat_list_code} {$hide_check} {$sort_code} "); } else { // post 2.3 $cat_list_code = ''; if (trim($ddle_exclude) != '') { $ddle_exclude = (array)explode(',', $ddle_exclude); foreach ($ddle_exclude as $de) { $cat_list_code .= " AND {$tp}terms.term_id != '" . trim(mysql_escape_string($de)) . "' "; } } else if (trim($ddle_include) != '') { $ddle_include = (array)explode(',', $ddle_include); $cat_list_code .= " AND ( "; $cat_tmp = array(); foreach ($ddle_include as $de) { $cat_tmp[] .= " {$tp}terms.term_id = '" . trim(mysql_escape_string($de)) . "' "; } $cat_list_code .= implode(" OR ", $cat_tmp); $cat_list_code .= " ) "; } $last_posts = (array)$wpdb->get_results(" SELECT post_date, ID, post_title, {$tp} as cat_name, {$tp}terms.term_id as cat_ID FROM {$tp}posts, {$tp}terms, {$tp}term_taxonomy, {$tp}term_relationships WHERE {$tp}posts.ID = {$tp}term_relationships.object_id AND {$tp}term_relationships.object_id = {$tp}posts.ID AND {$tp}term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = {$tp}term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id AND {$tp}terms.term_id = {$tp}term_taxonomy.term_id AND {$tp}term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'category' AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' AND post_date < '$mysqlnow' {$cat_list_code} {$hide_check} {$sort_code} "); } if (empty($last_posts)) { return NULL; } $the_output .= stripslashes($ddle_header); if ($ddle_sort == 'datea') { $last_posts = array_reverse($last_posts); } if ((int)$ddle_max_per_cat > 0) { $used_cats = array(); foreach ($last_posts as $posts) { $used_cats[$posts->cat_ID] = $ddle_max_per_cat; } $i = 0; foreach ($last_posts as $posts) { if ($used_cats[$posts->cat_ID] > 0) { $used_cats[$posts->cat_ID] -= 1; } else { unset($last_posts[$i]); } $i++; } $last_posts = array_values($last_posts); } if ($ddle_sort == 'datea') { $last_posts = array_reverse($last_posts); } $the_output .= '' : ''; } $the_output .= '
  • '; $the_output .= ''; if ($ddle_cat_links) { $the_output .= '' . $posts->cat_name . ''; } else { $the_output .= $posts->cat_name; } $the_output .= ': '; $the_output .= ($multi_cats) ? ''; $the_output .= ($multi_cats) ? '
  • ' : ''; return $the_output; } function ddle_generate($content) { if (strpos($content, "") !== FALSE) { $content = str_replace("", dd_last_from_each(), $content); } return $content; } add_filter('the_content', 'ddle_generate'); add_action('admin_menu', 'ddle_add_option_pages'); ?>